Thursday, March 6, 2008

How's It Going?

I have been lagging on the entries, I know. There really hasn't been much going on here. I am just working hard and trying to relax as much as I can on the weekends. I have been able to soak up some great sun down here lately. I even got into the hot tub the other day. Of course it wasn't too hot. It was like taking a bath outside with massaging jets rumbling around me.

Speaking of that wonderful you all know what that means??!! Opening day is just around the corner! As I am sure you all know already that spring training games are in full swing. Those 'Stros are getting ready for a killer season, I can feel it. haha just kidding, who ever knows with those guys. All I know is I am getting revved up for the sound of smaking bats.

My last doctor's appointment wasn't very interesting. No pictures to share. I did do a tour of the birthing center, and it is really nice. The rooms are huge and they are all suites (singles) where the baby stays with you the whole time. I am looking forward to the next appointment because we get to see Peanut again. I am hoping both my parents will make it so I can show them around and they can see how big the baby's getting.

I worked on my room (a.k.a. my sister's old room) recently as well, trying to make it more accommodating for Abigail Jane. I don't know if I told you all, but I am using a family heirloom. I don't know if it's technically an heirloom yet, but my Aunt Cathy made it in her college shop class 28 years ago just before Angie was born. All 6 of our cousins (including myself) have used it since then, and she handed it on to me. My mom and I dusted it off, made it a tad more sturdy and got some cute bedding for it, and it looks like Abigail is going to be sleeping pretty while she's in Texas.

So I also thought that maybe we could turn this whole blog thing around and you guys could update me on what's going on with you. What's the news in your world??? I would love to know. Maybe you could post a comment to this entry updating me on your life?? I can't wait to see who and what's happening! Talk to you all soon.


Anonymous said...

I love the crib/bassinet! Well, you know what is going on with me- just moved to a ranch in Bulverde, plan to get pregnant this year. The big news in our family is that my brother & his wife are adopting a baby girl due May 12! (maybe she will be born the 11th?!) Her name will be Harper and we are so excited!
I'd love to make plans with you and Abigail for a show at Gruene Hall. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think we got caught up a good bit today! It was great chatting with you again! I'll have some preggo pics to share after Saturday! I wish I had some way to get some real sun before Taylor Ann comes! I can't concentrate today, I'm so ready to go and see family. I wish we could have some more dessert time together at Boll Weavil! I'm still craving desserts, all the time! It's so funny, Abigail has a pic of her hand, and Taylor has a pic of her foot! At least we know there are only 5 fingers or toes ha ha! Take care, can't wait to see the pics! Miss you!

Aim Claim said...

I'll give you the summarized version... Work is overwhelming. I have to remember that I've almost made it to a much needed Spring Break! I have nothing planned and look forward to getting alot of stuff done. The exciting news for Caleb and I is that we plan to break ground on our house this week! We are super pumped!!

Can't wait to see you soon so we can catch up on the rest... you look so great in the pics! love,A

Michelle Everidge Anderson said...

Hey girl, Joanna let me know about your blog and so I decided to stop in a see for myself! You look amazing and I'm so excited for you and Jay and little Abigail! I hope you're doing well now that you're back in Texas, you're about to miss out on that amazing Georgia pollen season! Just wanted to say hello and that you're in my thoughts. :)