Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Update on Daddy Warren

Since I am given such an abundance of insight and details into Daddy Warren's "vacation" overseas, this will be a short but important update regarding his duties. He was swiftly sent out on another mission over the weekend to a very remote location at which he will not have access to any communication methods to the outside world. Unfortunately this mission will last through the end of March. So please do not get discouraged if you are not receiving responses to your emails.

With only this concise and ambiguous explanation from Jay, I am left to fill in the blanks myself to satisfy my curiosity. I can only conclude that this is code for a mission to a remote island in the Pacific where he will be studying the communication methods of wild natives. That sounds better.

Well whether its the mountains of Afghanistan or the beaches of the Pacific, I know you will all be praying with me that he and his team stay safe. Before we know it, he will be back in satellite range and we will be gushing again about Peanut's footsteps inside my belly. I'll keep you all updated as much as I can. Talk to you again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mission cancelled. Again.