Saturday, November 17, 2007

One Week Down!

So we have made it one week! Congratulations to everyone; you all are doing great! I spoke to Jay several times over the last week and it looks like he has finally made it to his final destination. I made out, through some groggy, slightly half asleep converstation from Jay, that he has finally landed safely at Bogram. I guess the pilot was feeling the jet lag as well because Jay said he was sure they were headed for a tailspin a few times. He is now 9 1/2 hours ahead of me, 10 1/2 ahead of you guys.

I mailed my first care package this morning. I discoverd I could use the online "Click & Ship" on even with an APO address. So excited I could avoid those annoying lines at the post office. It was only about $12 to send the package, not bad. I am crossing my fingers it actually gets there. If anyone would like Jay's address, I will be happy to email it to you with the few rules we have to follow when sending items.

I hope everyone is well. I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for in life, and what a great time to focus on all of those wonderful blessings. Health, Happiness, Family, Friends, and Pumpkin Pie!


Flip Flops On 5th said...

i would like Jay's address.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear J is at destnation.
I am thing of him and you Lauren everyday.

Mike (Dad)

KaseyBriz said...

hey lar,

i'd love jay's address if you get a chance. hope you're doing well!

Ellen Stevenson said...

Lauren - Zillions of thanks for this wonderful blog. Don and I check it frequently and really appreciate the updates. We'd love a confirmation of Jay's address and also your instructions for mailing to him. We've supported soldiers over there before ("adopting" them) but would welcome good direction from you. Hope you are feeling well, still not experiencing any of that morning sickness "stuff" and that we'll see you back in this area soon! Loads of hugs, Ellen S

JCR said...

Good to hear! Happy Thanksgiving, Lauren Lea.

Melissa said...

Hi Lauren-

Thanks for all the updates on Jay. He is huge compared to the last time I saw goodness I hardly recognized him. Tell him I said hi when you speak to him again. Let me know if you need ANYTHING!

Aim Claim said...

You're right, we do have so much to be thankful for. I am blessed to have friends like Jay and Lauren Lea... Happy Thanksgiving!