Sunday, November 4, 2007


As you all know Jay and I have our own dramatic style to life. Keeping everyone on their toes is essential to living life to the fullest, and we hope we have kept up our end of the bargain.

As with other monumental choices in our life, we left it up to God and figured he would send the gift of a child to us when he felt we were ready. But Jay and I couldn't just get pregnant and blindly lead each other through 40 weeks of gestation, discovering the difference between my water breaking and Braxton Hicks contractions together. We some how slid a pregnancy in just weeks before Jay deploys to the other side of the world for a "convenient” nine months and created a much more thrilling route to birth. What would life be if we didn’t have stories like these to tell our children and grandchildren?

So I dedicate this blog to the countdown until we all hear the pitter patter of tiny foot steps echoing among the long strides of combat boots.


Rhonda said...

Mag and Jay,
We are SO excited for you guys! I know you are just the cutest preggo ever! Cannot wait to see you when you come visit next year! Love ya, Roo

JCR said...

I've got money on triplets...I've got insider information on this one. I hear that there were some unconvential conception tactics employed by a well-motivated soldier! Glad we could be there on Saturday. Love you, guys.

Anonymous said...

Needless to say, I am most excited to see a new little Jay/Lauren or 3 little ones if that is what God sends to us. Who knows, maybe you can get your own baseball team.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you guys! And your blog intro is beautiful... life is an adventure isn't it?!?! In your email you said to share comments and advice. I can give no advice on being preggo (yet!), but my husband was in Iraq for a year and I know how hard that can be. I'm always happy to talk or listen when you need it. Take care of yourself and enjoy your blessing! Thanks for keeping in touch. Love, Chels

Anonymous said...

MAG & JAY!!!
What can I say??? You guys REALLY do love to make things interesting! I guess the first pregnancy wouldn't be the same without you guys adding that edge of Jay returning close to the due date! I love it!!! CONGRATS! I know you guys will be the most amazing parents and have the most beautiful baby! I can't wait to see you Mag...I miss you more that you know. And to think you will have a belly on you when you cute!!! I love you both so much and wish you all the best!

Aim Claim said...

Yeah! What a precious blog! I can't wait to check it to get the updates! I loved seeing you both this weekend and I am so excited for the exciting baby who will be joining us so very soon! What a wonderful blessing. God is Good!


Aim Claim said...

ps. Welcome to Bloggerville... you're gonna love it here! I've been blogging for two years and I only wish that I had time to blog every day like I once did when I first started and didn't stay on task at work! ha! It's such a great way to stay in touch and learn about what is going on with the people you care about!

david.griffin said...

Congratulations on the triplets a well motivated soldier means well motivated..spe...well you know....anyways. It was so nice seeing both of you before Jays deployment. It is hard to believe he will be so far away. Jay, I wouldn't trust any else's abilities over yours. Lauren good luck with the pregnancy I'm sure (coming from a mans stand point) it is a piece of cake. Jay we will see you soon and Lauren if you decide to move to the metroplex please let us know asap.

Melissa said...

I am just so excited for you guys! Lauren, my offer still stands...when you get as big as a hot air balloon and find yourself sitting on the couch with a half empty gallon of Ice cream gone - give me a call and I will talk you through it.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Take care and be careful.
Thinking of you everyday.

sandy said...

I will miss working with you. If you ever need to talk give me a call and we will talk marines, ha, ha. Have fun with your family.